Verano’s Cooking Videos & Cooking Tips

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Watch Verano stir up his famous Caesar salad for your kitchen in these quick steps

Click here to see Verano’s Caesar’s Salad Recipe

The first known “serving” of Caesar Salad was by Caesar Cardini, an Italian immigrant who opened a Ristorante in San Diego. He then opened another one across the border in Tijuana, Mexico, due to Prohibition. One day Caesar had used most of his lettuce and only had some Romaine left. He served the Romaine lettuce with a vinaigrette dressing on the 4th of July, 1924. That day he added dramatic flair by creating the Caesar Salad table-side by “the Chef” himself. It was a big hit. The earliest written documentation of the recipe was published by the Los Angeles Times in 1946, a full 20 years after it was created.

Click here to watch Verano create his famous Caesar’s Salad on Indy Style – WISH TV Indianapolis

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